Research Benefit Hispanic Children and Families

I chose option number one because I know and understand the importance that research add to early childhood development. Research plays an important part and role in the development of children and families. Research provide us with new informaation and discoveries that will help educator make a difference in the lives of both. This research project examined the lives of Hispanic children and fmilies in the area of poverty reduction and self-sufficiency, healthy marriage and responsible fatherhood, and early care and education. The center used a variety of instruments for data collection such as surveys, fact sheets along with other instruments. The children will range from birth to adolescent. The research will provide valuable information that shows how different factors affects the lives of hispanic children and famileis. Also, research will provide different measures that can be used to change or make a positivie impact in these families lives.

Personal Research Journey

The topic that I chose for the stimulation is The components of a high quality early childhood program. I believe that it is important that every child should have the opportunity to receive a quality education no matter what. I have a strong interest in this topic because I would like to be the best that I can be in the field of Early Childhood.

I look forward to finding out as much information as possible to increase my level excellent in Early Childhood.